December 10, 2024


News From International College-Siam University

Soft Skill Training – Writing Letters. for Students

 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (IEC) has organized a “Soft Skill Training – Writing Letters” for our international students. Around 18 students participated in the training session. Along with showing students how to write formal, informal, and demi-official letters, a group activity was incorporated to help students improve their writing abilities.
Discussant of the day was Aj Saif Ur Rahman. He has vast experience as an administrator and a lecturer. Also he is a trainer of trainers for various disciplines.
This event was jointly planned and organized under mentorship of Aj.Sabbir Hossain from IEC, and Aj.Sumaia Farzana , head of the department of CIRICO. The session was planned and designed after analyzing the gap of the students learning outcomes.
13 August 2022